Don't Steal Possible

Slow-motion de Blasio on school fixes

In November, with trumpets sounding, Mayor de Blasio and Schools Chancellor Carmen Fariña rolled out $150 million worth of plans to turn around 94 chronically failing schools.

Four months later, some of those schools are still waiting for those renewal plans — suggesting that de Blasio either does not view this as an urgent task or cannot rally his Department of Education to treat it as such.

March 6, 2015 Policy Paper [Families for Excellent Schools] Don't Steal Possible

Voting With Their Feet

Bronx’s Lowest-Performing Schools See Severe Enrollment Declines

A new analysis by Families for Excellent Schools reveals that enrollment is declining at a rapid pace at many low-performing Bronx schools. Parents are fleeing failing schools and seeking high-quality charter and district school options.

March 5, 2015 News [Keith J. Ferrante] Don't Steal Possible

Thousands of students rally in support of charter schools

Thousands of students, parents and teachers participated in a rally in Albany Wednesday in support of charter schools.

An estimated 10,000 people descended on the state Capitol to rally in support of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s proposal for additional charter schools in New York state. Cuomo has proposed adding another 100 charter schools statewide to the cap which was agreed to years ago by the Legislature and the governor.

New York leaders must hear the roar for better schools

The grounds of the state Capitol echoed Wednesday with voices of desperation over the terrible state of New York public schools — and the scandalous shortage of will to fix them.

The “Don’t Steal Possible” rally drew thousands of New York City kids, parents and teachers, mostly affiliated with charter schools that have been their ticket out of persistently failing traditional schools.